Mini Churros
What you need:
1 cup water
2 1/2 T sugar
1/2 tsp salt
2 T vegetable oil
2 tsp Mexican vanilla
1 cup flour
Oil for frying
1/2 cup sugar
2 tsp cinnamon
What you do:
Combine water, 2 1/2 T sugar, salt, vegetable oil and vanilla in a small saucepan. Bring to a boil then remove from heat and stir in the flour until a ball forms. Mix the remaining sugar and cinnamon together in a shallow dish and set aside.
Allow the dough to cool some them either put the dough in a pastry bag and pipe out the dough into finger length strips (longer if you want to make regular sized churros). If you use a star tip then your churros will look "normal." I don't have a pastry bag and I tried to use a ziploc bag but after ripping two I said "screw it" and just rolled them out by hand.
Now fry the dough until golden brown. Make sure the oil is not too hot or the outside of the churro will crisp up before the dough on the inside is all the way cooked. Immediately after taking the churros out of the oil roll them in the cinnamon sugar mixture you made earlier. These taste best when eaten immediately, but they are still quite tasty even a couple days after you fry them (as long as they are kept in an airtight container).