Several weeks ago was the first day of the college football season. And in case you didn't know, Cole probably loves college football even more than he loves me. And if not, it's a very close second. Don't believe me? Go check out his college blog here and then come back. Don't worry, I'll wait.
Okay welcome back. Anyway, since we were up early to watch all 3 hours of College Gameday I thought I might as well make us breakfast. I knew I needed to make something that Cole could eat with one hand so he could still write down all the picks, and I knew it needed to be delicious because, well, who wants to eat something that tastes like crap? Not me. So I decided on breakfast burritos. The best part about this recipe? It is delicious. The second best part about this recipe? It makes A TON and you can freeze them individually so you can grab one running out the door to work during the week. Also, this recipe is more of a method. You can put whatever you want in there. For mine, I like to go heavy on the "extras" but that's because I don't like eggs too much. Yes, I know that I'm weird. I've accepted that.
Breakfast Burritos
What you need:
What you do:
Cook the sausage, and set it aside in a large bowl. Cook the bacon and cut it up into small/medium sized pieces and put in the bowl with the sausage. Drain off most of the bacon grease, but leave just a little bit in there for the potatoes. Cube up several potatoes, season with salt, pepper and garlic powder. Cook the potatoes in the bacon grease until they are nice and soft and slightly crispy on the outside. Add the potatoes to the bowl with the bacon and sausage and mix everything together. Scramble the eggs.
Then you just put some eggs in a big burrito style tortilla, add some of the filling, top with a little bit of salsa if you want, roll up the burrito and enjoy.
Just as an example; for my burritos I used 9 eggs, 5 medium sized potatoes, 2/3 lb sausage and 2/3 package bacon and I made 10 burritos. It should have made 12 but I made two really, really big ones at first on accident.
And like I said before, you can freeze the leftover burritos. Just wrap them individually in saran wrap and put them all in a ziploc freezer bag. You can pull them out and microwave them individually.