Showing posts with label beans. Show all posts
Showing posts with label beans. Show all posts

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Dos XX Flank Steak

Summer is the perfect time to fire up the grill.  You don't have to turn the oven on and make an already hot house even more hot.  I avoid cooking with the oven at all costs in the summer months because it's already at least 100 degrees out.  So a couple weekends ago I was craving Mexican food (which actually happens often, but let's not digress) so Cole and I decided to make some fajitas on the grill.  The flavor was really good, but the meat was a little tough.  I think it's because of the way we cut it, but if anyone has any other ideas please share.  Gracias.

Dos XX Flank Steak

What you need:

Flank steak
One bottle Dos XX (or any other Mexican beer)
Juice of three limes
4-5 cloves garlic (chopped)
3 T cilantro (more or less to taste)
1 small to medium white onion
1 jalapeno
1 bell pepper (any color)

What you do:

Mix together the beer, lime juice, garlic and cilantro.  Pour over flank steak and let it marinate for several hours.   

When you have about two hours left until you want to eat add the bell peppers, jalapenos and bell peppers on top of the steak. Then about an hour after that flip over the steak so it's on top of the veggies so they can soak up some of the yummy marinade flavors.  Whenever you're ready to eat, pull out the steak and put it on a preheated grill.  Cook until your desired "doneness." We prefer medium rare.  At the same time saute your veggies on the stove.  Serve with rice, beans and tortillas.  

Enjoy with beer and a nice Cuba Libre.